Mission & Vision

Think... Live... Care... BIBLICALLY

Our Mission Statement

Under the Lordship of Jesus, our aim is to "be of the same mind (Phil. 2:2)" as we seek to "have the mind of Christ. (1 Cor. 2:16);" to "look carefully to how we live (Eph. 5:15)" that we may glorify Christ in all that we say and do (1 Cor. 10:31); and to "love one another, just as Jesus has loved us (John 13:34)!"

Our Vision Statement

Our vision to draw so near to Jesus and rely so heavily on the Holy Spirit that we:  Think... Live... and Care... BIBLICALLY!

Seven Statements of Unity

1) Jesus is the incarnate Messiah and Lord of all.
2) His love is supreme.
3) In His love, we love other.
4) His Word (the Bible) is inerrant.
5) His calling to be disciples shapes our lives.
6) His command to make disciples shapes our purpose.
7) His love, His word, His calling, and His purpose united us together in Him.

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